The Associated Press just reported that in 2009 almost 60% of employers plan to pass on the effect of rising healthcare costs–greater premiums, increased co-pays, and other out-of-pocket costs–to their employees. With healthcare costs in 2009 expected to go up almost 6% this means, you guessed it a nice healthy increase to the cost of those doctor visits for your kids’ coughs and sniffles and a bigger slice taken out of your bi-weekly paycheck.
There’s no real way around it, I suppose. Employers have tried to incentivize lower premiums for employees who are within healthy BMIs or weight or who complete smoking cessation programs. Another option, of course, as some have unethically tried, is not to hire those who smoke or engage in other unhealthy behaviors, thus keeping premiums low.
In any case, buckle your seat belts, folks: absent healthcare reform, we are headed for a wild ride in search of affordable medical care in this country.
Summer Johnson, PhD