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Here are the most popular Bioethics News items from last week based on average clicks per day:

1. Japan looks to drop a few pounds
(NYT) A law that recently took effect there requires local governments and companies to measure the waistlines of those ages 40-75. If certain population targets aren’t met, the governments and companies will face financial penalties.

2. New guidelines for stem cell research and treatment
(Reuters) The International Society for Stem Cell Research hopes the guidelines will combat “snake oil” treatments that purport to treat a wide range of diseases with stem cells.

3. Undercover patients
(AP) The AMA’s ethics council has recommended that the organization vote in favor of using “mystery shopper” patients to help assess the performance of doctors and staff.

4. Insured, but not covered
(NYT) A study by the Commwealth Fund reports that about 25 million Americans did not have enough health insurance to keep them out of financial hardship should they become seriously ill.

5. Harvard researchers failed to disclose millions from industry consulting
(NYT) The researchers, both psychiatrists, have now reported earning $1.6 million in consulting fees between 2000 and 2007. One of the researchers has been an influential figure in the movement toward using powerful antipsychotic drugs in children.

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