The Rhythms of Nonsense About Ethical Arguments Against the Rhythm Method



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BMJ (pointed to us by Jay Hughes) writes that:

People opposed to the destruction of human embryos should be as
concerned about potential “embryonic deaths” from the practice of the
so-called “rhythm method” as they are about the use of emergency
contraception or human embryonic stem cell research, according to an
article published in the June edition of the Journal of Medical Ethics,
the New York Times reports. Luc Bovens, a philosopher at the London
School of Economics and Political Science, has said that couples who try
to prevent pregnancy by having sexual intercourse only at the end of the
woman’s most fertile period might be increasing the chances of
conceiving an embryo that does not implant or develop in the uterus, the
Times reports. The “same logic that turned pro-lifers away from [EC,
intrauterine devices] and [birth control] pill usage should make them
nervous about the rhythm method,” Bovens writes, adding, “Even a policy
of condom usage and having an abortion in case of failure would cause
less embryonic deaths than the rhythm method.”

Boom. Boom. Boom.

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