Information for Authors
Journal guidelines and submission instructions

All AJOB journals are refereed, with articles being accepted on a non-remunerative basis. Submitted manuscripts must wholly comprise original material and are reviewed with the explicit understanding that their essential substance or contents have not been nor will be submitted for publication elsewhere in any form, unless and until such time as AJOB rejects said material.
Please review the author guidelines and submission instructions for The American Journal of Bioethics, AJOB Neuroscience, and AJOB Empirical Bioethics linked below. You can also read more information about the AJOB Family of Journals and submission processes below.
Author instructions
The American Journal of Bioethics
- Target Articles
- Open Peer Commentaries
- Responses to Open Peer Commentaries
- Editorials
- Clinical and Research Ethics Cases and Commentaries
- Letters to the Editor
- Target Articles
- Open Peer Commentaries
- Point-Counterpoint
- Insight, Policy Forum
- Education and Outreach Forum and Book
- Media or Arts reviews
- Articles
Click this link for a comprehensive worksheet of AJOB’s manuscript submission standards, including citation format.
Submit your manuscript
Please go to the ScholarOne (Manuscript Central) website to submit your work. If you are a first-time user, you will need to create an account.
Please note: Manuscript and supplemental files accompanying your main document should be submitted without any identifying information. This includes references to author names, their affiliations/institutions and/or acknowledgements. All identifying information, as well as any acknowledgments, should be placed in the title page you submit. Failure to “blind” your main document and supplemental files will result in a processing delay of your submission.
The Process
The Taylor & Francis Group has implemented a publishing system that can reach the widest and most intellectually broad audience, magnifying the rigor, intimacy, and interdisciplinary value of the discipline. First, you will need to select which journal among the AJOB Family of Journals is right for you. Then, refer to the guidelines of the specific journal you’d like to submit to for information about submission instructions, acceptance criteria, and technical requirements. Depending on what type of submission you are making, you will need to modify your work to meet the requirements of the journal for that particular type of publication. Lastly, you will need to submit your work online using the ScholarOne (Manuscript Central) website. Once the manuscript has been received, your work will be reviewed by the editorial staff.
Which journal is right for you?
The AJOB Family of Journals consists of The American Journal of Bioethics (AJOB), AJOB Neuroscience, and AJOB Empirical Bioethics. Each of these journals has a unique mission in terms of publishing manuscripts in bioethics. Please read the information below to help you determine the most appropriate journal for your submission.
The American Journal of Bioethics. Manuscripts submitted for consideration as Target Articles should be novel and important to the field of bioethics and those fields connected to bioethics which include public health, social work, chaplaincy, scientific research, clinical medicine, and more. Manuscripts will also lend themselves to Open Peer Commentaries, a set of articles that respond to the Target Article submitted.
AJOB Neuroscience. Manuscripts submitted for consideration to AJOB Neuroscience as Target Articles should be wide-ranging contributions exploring the ethical, social, and legal dimensions of brain sciences. Manuscripts will also lend themselves to Open Peer Commentaries, a set of articles that respond to the Target Article submitted.
AJOB Empirical Bioethics. Manuscripts submitted to AJOB Empirical Bioethics should be consistent with the Journal’s mission to advance empirical research in bioethics. In addition to publishing empirical research conducted using a wide array of methodologies, AJOB EB seeks to publish conceptual analyses of the role of empirical research in bioethics; discussions of different empirical methods and how they may or may not “fit” with ethical discourse; and ethical analysis and/or critique of empirical research and research methodology.
The publisher Taylor & Francis Group accepts no responsibility for the statements and opinions expressed by contributors. Because of rapid advances in the medical sciences, and the scope and nature of peer review and peer commentary in AJOB, no clinical use of AJOB should be attempted. Discussions, views, and recommendations as to medical procedures, choice of drugs, and drug use are the responsibility of the authors. The names The American Journal of Bioethics, AJOB, AJOB Neuroscience, AJOB Empirical Bioethics, and The AJOB Family of Journals are copyrighted (c) 2014 Taylor & Francis Group.