Catwalk Docs



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In anticipation of the upcoming London Fashion Week, where the world’s best designers will put salad bowls and tissue paper on size zero women and say “Here’s modern fashion!”, the British Fashion Council suggested investigation and care of the health problems of models, says Sky. But evidently, it’s just too time consuming and expensive to ensure that the most waif-like among us aren’t suffering from health problems associated with being the size of a walking toothpick.

It would seem that the Brits have realized that it’s time to shine a light on the health problems of models–but that the cost and time was just too great. It’s a shame–the British Fashion Council was on the right track. Models should have access to health care just like any other persons–even if their line of work does not promote or permit the most healthy of lifestyles.

Put some doctors on the catwalk–it may just make the modeling industry a healthier place for young women to work. Maybe it will promote that some of the most beautiful people in the world look just as good on the inside as they do on the outside.

Summer Johnson, PhD

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