The June issue of the American Journal of Bioethics is online–but will only be on the front page of for another few days. So if any of these headlines grab you–read them quick, or else you’ll have to scour the depths of Past Issues to find any of these great articles.
First, Howard Brody asks you to ask your doctor “if this genetic test is right for you”. This genetic test being–BRCA1, of course, which Matloff and Caplan discuss in depth in their Target Article, “Direct to Confusion”.
Let’s just be glad that no one is marketing direct to consumers the kind of creatures Autumn Feister is talking about in her Target Article, “Justifying a Presumption of Restraint in Animal Biotechnology Research”–that is unless you are a big fan of fauns or mice with ears on their backs.
Speaking of mice, we have Zoloth, Backhus and Woodruff, talking about the ethical issues of how to ensure fertility for women facing cancer diagnoses and treatment.
Want to learn more, check out to read the TOC for Target Articles, Open Peer Commentaries, and more.
Summer Johnson, PhD