Harry and Louise, foils of the Clinton healthcare reform efforts of 1993-1994, are back on the air again but this time in the service of healthcare reform, says Red Orbit. Organizations as different in philosophies as the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN), the American Hospital Association (AHA), the Catholic Health Association (CHA), Families USA, and the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) are teaming up to resurrect the dynamic duo to talk about the moral imperative of quality, affordable healthcare for all.
The rationale here seems a bit confusing–will most Americans remember Harry and Louise, and if so, won’t they be confused that the anti-healthcare reform mavens are now in favor of just what they torpedoed Hillary Clinton for 15 years ago?
Clearly, others think that Harry and Louise are important icons not just for healthcare reform, but for other political issues as well. Lest we think that these two are moral exmplars–Harry and Louise are talking about anyone to anyone who will listen. They can be seen stumping for a Democrat in Colorado below.
For the sake of healthcare reform, let’s hope this ad campaign, set to air for the next 3 weeks during the Democratic and Republican National Conventions, will strike a chord, and that no one “swiftboats” Harry and Louise for being flip-floppers on an issue as important as this one.
Summer Johnson, PhD