Rabbis & New York State Health



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New York State has reached a compromise with ultra orthothodox Jewish
rabbis that will allow the rabbis to continue the practice of metzizah
b’peh, in which the mohel, the religious figure who perfoms a
circumcision, cleans the wound by sucking the blood and spitting it out.
The practice came to the attention of the State after it learned of
seven cases of neonatal herpes connected to the ritual. One of the
infected children suffered severe brain injury from the virus and
another died.

According to the article in the Albany Times Union,

The new state guidelines require mohels, or anyone performing metzizah
b’peh, to sanitize their hands like a surgeon, removing all jewelry,
cleaning their nails under running water and washing their hands for up
to six minutes with antimicrobial soap or an alcohol-based hand
scrub.The person performing metzizah b’peh also must clean his mouth
with a sterile alcohol wipe and, no more than five minutes before it,
rinse for at least 30 seconds with a mouthwash that contains 25 percent
alcohol. The circumcised area must be covered with antibiotic ointment
and sterile gauze after the procedure.

New York State’s Commissioner of Health and the rabbis are lauding the
policy as one that respects both religious tradition and public health.
I question whether a compromise is appropriate in this circumstance.
Should newborn babies face even the slightest risk of contracting
potentially lethal oral herpes on their newly cut penises? Some
religious traditions should be outlawed; this is one of them.

– Alicia Ouellette

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