Stem Cell Scientist Fear Reprisals ... from the Left??



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Here’s a twist: Michael Cook inteviews a scientist at MIT name James Sherley, who opposes embryonic stem cell research using nuclear transfer. He meanders around for a while in that normal anti-stem cell research way, then gets to a very strange point:

MercatorNet [the interviewer]: Do you think that most stem cell scientists have an open mind towards adult stem cell research?

Sherley: Its rather hard to know what most stem cell scientists or cell biologists in general, for that matter, think about these issues. I have asked the leaderships of both the American Society for Cell Biology and the International Society for Stem Cell Research to conduct anonymous on-line polls of their membership regarding their views on human embryo research. Neither has been willing to do so. Many scientists who do not support human embryo research are afraid to speak out because of possible reprisals from powerful scientists who can affect grant success, publication acceptances, tenure promotion, and employment.


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