The 5 most popular Bioethics News stories from the week of April 21



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Here are the most popular Bioethics News items from last week based on average clicks per day:

1. “Untouchable” woman dies after being denied treatment
(AFP) An Indian woman died after giving birth when several doctors refused to touch her or provide treatment because of her caste status.

2. Congress close to passing GINA
(New York Times) A deal in the Senate opened the way for passage of the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act. (See the next story.) The bill would make it illegal to deny health coverage to someone on the basis of genetic information.  It would also bar employers from hiring or firing on such info.

3. Senate passes GINA
(LA Times) The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act passed on a 95-0 vote.

4. Life expectancy declining in some parts of US
(New York Times) A study in PLoS reports that men and women in pockets of the Midwest and South are seeing life expectancy declines. One of the study’s authors says this type of decline is unheard of in other developed countries.

5. Employer suspends 39 for lying about smoking
(AP) The suspended workers at a Whirlpool factory had signed insurance forms claiming they didn’t use tobacco.  Their jobs are now in jeopardy after they were caught smoking or chewing on company property.

The top five stories from two weeks ago.

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