Yet again we find ourselves asking those of you with talent in bioethics to ask yourself the question everyone has on the tip of their tongue: exactly how cold does it have to be before my nose falls off? do I want to move to Albany to work in bioethics.
The Alden March Bioethics Institute is looking for a Director of Graduate Studies to lead new graduate programs, all of which will involve really, really innovative teaching technology, like megaphones the use of portable digital audio and video, synchronous conversations with faculty, internships that involve remote participation in key meetings in cutting edge research facilities, or even in ethics case discussions. This is in addition to the great positions just announced in the philosophy program at University at Albany. With this position, our goal is to do for online bioethics education what we’ve done for our coffee bill since they opened a drive-through Starbucks on the way to the medical center bioethics publishing, namely increase accessibility, rigor and impact by using cutting (but not bleeding) edge technology that makes the “computer part” easier to use, and increases the amount of “face time” with leaders in bioethics, and provides more direct mentoring than any masters program, online or off. Of course, first all of this stuff has to be approved by New York State, but we’ve skipped sleeping to try our best to make sure that happens, and in time for students to join our new program in fall 2007 (meanwhile, our other Masters program continues, while not admitting new students at this time).
If you have teaching skills, mentoring that has paid off for your students, a real sense of the relationship between the research activity in a large (and growing) bioethics program and the teaching activities of such a program, tell us and maybe you too can spend $150 a month on coffee join the energetic team that produces AJOB, edits two book series, participates in federally and foundation research current funded in excess of $2.5 million, and … well you get the idea, or if you don’t, check out the ad and the website. But yes it does snow three or four months a year. Not like Buffalo, but more than Texas. Beach bums need not apply.