Associate Vice President Integrity & Compliance

Posted October 21st 2022

University of Minnesota


The Office of Vice President for Research (OVPR) of the University of Minnesota invites applications and nominations as they launch a national search for Associate Vice President for Research- Integrity and Compliance. The University of Minnesota is regularly ranked as a top ten US public research university, and OVPR is a systemwide resource for faculty, staff, students, and external partners to conduct, manage, and sponsor research at the UMN. The University’s externally sponsored research award funding exceeded $1.15 billion for the first time in fiscal year 2021. The University holds over 1,100 patents and more than 2,800 current licenses for UMN technology in medicine and health, biotechnology, chemistry, engineering, agriculture, and other fields important to society and the economy.
The Associate Vice President will oversee critical research integrity and regulatory functions of the Institutional Review Board (IRB), the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), and the Office of Biotechnology Activities Oversight (OBAO). Further, this position will serve as the University’s research integrity officer and as such have lead responsibility for ensuring that the institution fosters a research environment that promotes the responsible conduct of research and other activities that promote integrity in research and discourages research misconduct.
This position will have responsibility for overseeing university research compliance and regulatory programs especially those related to our Human Research Protection Program (HRPP), animal care in research, biotechnology, and digital infrastructure including data security.
The individual will play a key leadership role in the development and oversight of university investments in the research compliance infrastructure.
This position has oversight responsibility across the system-wide research activities, and it will actively support growth of the research enterprise by assisting investigators in assuring compliance with respect to their high-quality research.
When needed, the position will help lead issue management related to research integrity and compliance in coordination with OVPR leaders and other central University departments.
The position will assist University colleges and departments to maintain a healthy research climate/workplace as required by funding agencies such as NIH, and will oversee an annual research workplace survey that informs the University’s robust approach to preventing and addressing discrimination, harassment, and retaliation.
Other areas of responsibility may develop over time with growth and needs of the research enterprise.
Qualifications: It is expected, but not required, that the selected individual will have qualification to become a tenured member of the University of Minnesota faculty and have a significant record of research accomplishments. A terminal degree is required. This individual should have broad knowledge of the research issues, particularly related to human health, animal care and use, biotechnology oversight, and data security. The position requires sound policy judgment and proven skills in working effectively with faculty, staff, students, and external agencies. This individual should have broad knowledge of university administration, with special interest in understanding, managing, and resolving research compliance and integrity issues. Preference will be given to candidates with an extensive research background particularly in the biological or health sciences with experience in serving on IRB, IACUC, OBAO or other related committees. Additionally, preference will be given to those with cross-departmental or cross-disciplinary experience, a long track record of successful research funding, successful administrative and leadership experience, experience on research related committees, and a background that complements that of other executive staff. Exceptional qualifications will include experience working with both internal University of Minnesota (or similar institutions) governance as well as external agencies involved with research compliance and integrity.
Appointment: The percent time of this position is negotiable (100% is preferred). The position is an annually renewable P&A administrative appointment. Salary commensurate with education and experience. The position will be subject to annual review and evaluation, in consultation (if applicable) with the appropriate leader of the appointee’s academic unit.
Application Process: Nominations and/or applications will be reviewed beginning on October 3, 2022 and will continue until the position is filled. Applications must include a letter of interest that addresses the position responsibilities, a curriculum vitae, and the names of three references. Applications can be submitted online via the following link:
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