Postdoctoral Fellow

Posted October 20th 2023

Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics

300 Pasteur Dr, Palo Alto, CA 94304

The Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics (SCBE) announces a clinical ethics fellowship position.

The Clinical Ethics Fellowship in the Center for Biomedical Ethics is a two-year, full-time program designed to prepare graduates to become leaders in Bioethics in health care settings, academic institutions, and professional or government agencies. Established in 2015, this non-ACGME fellowship is committed to addressing ethical concerns through clinical ethics consultation, policy development, education, and research. This fellowship will be appointed through the Stanford Graduate Medical Education (GME) office.

The goals and objectives of this fellowship include the following:

• Develop proficiency or expertise in clinical ethics consultation. Fellows are expected to develop the capacity to play the role of lead consultant by the end of the second year.
• Comprehensive knowledge of key bioethics topics, including skills in critically evaluating empirical and conceptual research in bioethics
• Experience in presenting, teaching, and discussing core concepts in clinically grounded bioethics at a post-graduate level.
• Develop the ability to take leadership roles in Clinical Ethics Committee Meetings.
• Acquisition of professional skills for academic achievement in the field of bioethics, including research, CV development, and career building (fellows will be prepared to take a faculty position in the field of bioethics in both hospital and academic settings).
• Obtain skills to conduct scholarly research related to clinical ethics and bioethics in both independent and highly collaborative research settings.

We seek applicants with the following prerequisite training and knowledge:

• An advanced degree in an academic or professional discipline with preference given to candidates with terminal degrees in bioethics, philosophy, medicine, behavioral sciences, law, social sciences nursing, social work, religious studies, and other fields related to the practice of clinical and academic bioethics.
• Exceptional candidates with a PhD in Philosophy are highly encouraged. Candidates are also expected to possess strong interpersonal skills, the ability to work independently and collaboratively, excellent oral and written communication skills, conflict resolution, organizational skills, as well as presentation and teaching skills.

Application Requirements:
To apply, please visit:
A copy of your CV, cover letter, and list of three references are required. Applications will be evaluated by the program’s director, assistant director, and former fellow. Final candidates must provide at least two writing samples/publications. Unfortunately, due to Stanford Graduate Medical Education (GME) regulations, we cannot accept or review applications from prospective international fellows.

Application Deadline: Rolling review of applications until January 15th, 2024, for the expected start date in July 2024. For any questions or concerns, please contact Emma Villarreal (

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